Poem for Keith

(A Man of God)
As things continue to spin around: 

Confusion everywhere will be found! 

Sad for sure when people reject the call 

Millions are headed for a fall.
There are Preachers daily reaching out: 

Like a trumpet with their voice to shout! 

Salvation is a gift to sow and reap:

In God's Word the lost must seek!
A man of God will not hold back

For to do so would be slack! 

Onward into battle for the soul... 

Often to be humble you must be bold!
Thank you, Lord, for these faithful few: 

Obedience to Christ is what they do! 

Let us unite in the Gospel light... 

Carry on while fighting a good fight!
Thank you, Keith, for being a friend 

You are not afraid to take a stand! 

In the pathway of Truth and hope 

By God's Grace we daily cope!
Whatever happens --- this to know: 

Within a man of God, the Spirit will flow! 

Consumed by a power sent from above 

Caring and kind, with a heart of love!
Written by:
Pastor Donnie Dixon

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