Worldwide Mission

We stand firmly on the Authorized KJV-1611

Keith and Chuck
(God loves You)
Spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ
(Getting Started)
No matter how much a person gets done, more awaits after finishing one job! From that point, other things begin to pile up, and then you are inundated with almost as much as it was before! This is when reality enters, and the walls start to close simultaneously! My friend, let it not scare you, for this is what the Bible would call "growing pains." No matter our situation, there is (great peace) offered to those who are sold out to the Gospel call. Never let a turbulence condition terrify your mind and heart; react prayerfully once you feel the floor shaking under your feet! Move to higher (ground) to where safety does (abound), then from there, things will become very (sound), and afterward, you will be (found)! It is then you realize you're just getting started! By: Pastor Dixon
(Fellowship Baptist Church)
1591 Bishopville Hwy.
Camden, SC 29020
Service on Sunday at 11:00 AM
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If you have come to this page, it could be that you are seeking the Truth of Jesus Christ. The only thing you need to know about Chuck and Myself, is... we are in it to win others for Jesus! Our prayer is that you will indeed be blessed but most of all, if you are lost, we hope that you will get things right with the Lord right away! Another fact is this: if we didn't care for you there would be so many other things that we could be doing rather than this; but your soul is precious to God. Otherwise, if you are lost, please don't let Satan destroy your eternal soul. Believe that Christ came here to save sinners, He shed His Perfect Blood: He died on a Cross and rose from the dead on the third day to take away your sins! Be sorry for sin and repent! Really mean business with the Lord and ask God to forgive you of your sins! That would be the greatest decision you or anyone else could ever make for all eternity! Chuck and I witness (as A Team) wherever the Lord leads us: in the Streets, across parking lots: to Church and now... here on this internet site. Keep checking out this site as it grows and contact us with any questions. God bless you!
Thanks for reading this
(Message of Hope)
If there is one thing that human beings have in common, that would be suffering. The funny thing about it is that we bought it all upon ourselves. Greed and using our bodies in ways that were never intended, bringing misery in ways never bargained for. We love our sins, but we fail to consider the consequences to our families, which leads to divorce, alcoholism, drug abuse, and teenage suicide, which is also the number one reason for their deaths.
They see it's hopeless, and all your money cannot mend their broken hearts! There is one who can fix it; it is not a religion or a fairy tale but a real-life relationship with our Creator!
I know He can help you; He delivered my life in 1985 out of (what would have been) a
sure death from crack cocaine, alcohol, and three suicide attempts.
I would love to tell you about that! He can do the same for you. Jesus said, "The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me because He hath anointed me to preach good tidings to the meek and bind up the brokenhearted: to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord and proclaim liberty to the captives."
Call me, and we can talk. I can introduce you to the one who saved my life!
When I met Jesus, it was the first time I experienced love, and it's all a gift!
It's not like drugs… when you have to keep taking them to maintain the high.
God's love is perfect, as it stays with you forever!
Call me: Keith Gilmartin 803-246-7766
Written By: Keith Gilmartin
Free to use.
Thank you, Brother Keith, for your love
And devotion to Jesus Christ.
"Comment From Pastor Donnie Dixon"
Exodus 3:4 And when the LORD saw that he turned aside to see, God called unto him out of the midst of the bush, and said, Moses, Moses. And he said, Here am I. (5) And he said, Draw not nigh hither: put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground. (6) Moreover he said, I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. And Moses hid his face; for he was afraid to look upon God.
The name "God" appears six times in these verses (Take just a moment to count). Now that you see that, I think this happened for a reason! The number "six" relates to man. And, of course, man relates to human beings as a whole. Since "Mankind" has been put here and spoken to by God --- it's now up to us as people to pay close attention! Science cannot explain how a fire did not destroy a burning bush, the same as no one on earth can comprehend how God would love a rebellious people that has rejected Him so very much over the centuries! Many human beings who are on this planet could care less about God, and they indeed don't believe Moses met with God at a burning bush! Others refuse to believe that God came to earth in the person of His Son, Jesus Christ, and gave His life for our sins! Well, my friends... because this is true, we have much to answer for! My only advice is this... if you are lost, stop pretending to be happy and repent of sin while there is still time! Moses got it right with God; it's our turn to do so without delay! God hates our rebelliousness, but He will save souls once they come to the Cross of Jesus and turn from their wicked ways! Only Jesus can give you that power to turn from sin! Afterward, you will not have to fear burning in hell but will be given a home in Heaven once you leave! Are you saved? (Yes or No?) It's your choice!
John 11 23 Jesus saith unto her, Thy brother shall rise again.
24 Martha saith unto him, I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day. 25 Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: 26 And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this? 27 She saith unto him, Yea, Lord: I believe that thou art the Christ, the Son of God, which should come into the world.
(Closer We Get)
Faith Article
The rapture was a mystery up to a certain point. Jesus cleared that mystery and let the people know there would be a difference between the rapture and His second return to earth. Jesus told Martha that He is the resurrection and the life. This is Jesus telling her about the rapture when He comes for the body of Christ. Martha thinks that souls will rise on the last day, which is the return of Christ for the second time to earth. Jesus cleared it up and showed His power by raising Lazarus from the dead, a type of rapture! Even before He did that, by the Word of God, Martha became a believer in the rapture. Jesus, instead of saying caught-up, He just said He is the resurrection and the life. The reason is that He is the one who will catch us up to meet Him in the air in the clouds. Many don't believe, and it's never preached to them in some cases. "How shall they hear except the Preacher be sent." It's got to be the right Preacher telling you this, or else even the (so-called) preacher doesn't believe it either.
Moreover, take God's Word for it, then you can check the Preacher out. A true Preacher wants to be checked out because they will tell you the truth no matter what. Carry on, my friend!